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The American Legion Oratorical Contest 2023

Organisation : The American Legion
Contest Name : The American Legion Oratorical Contest 2023
Applicable For : Legal Residents of the United States.
Future Contest Dates: 21st – 23rd April, 2023
Website :

What is American Legion Oratorical Contest?

American Legion Oratorical Contest is organised by The American Legion. Eligible participants must be citizens of or lawful permanent residents of the United States. All contestants must be bona fide students herein described as any student under the age of 20 years on the date of the national contest who is presently enrolled in a high school or junior high school (public, parochial, military, private or home school). The curriculum of the school must be considered to be of high school level, commencing with grade 9 and terminating with grade 12. The 2023 National Finals will be April 21-23 in Indianapolis at the Wyndham Indianapolis West Hotel, 2544 Executive Drive, Indianapolis, IN, 46241, (317) 248-2481. Quarterfinal and semifinal contests are scheduled for Saturday, April 22 with the finals scheduled for Sunday, April 23.

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How To Participate in the Oratorical Contest?

To Participate in the Oratorical Contest, the steps are given below
Step 1: Go to the above link
Step 2: Click on Join
Step 3: Click on Register
Step 4: Enter Email ID
Step 5: Click on Next

For More Information :

Eligibility of Oratorical Contest

The Eligibility of Oratorical Contest are given below,
** Eligible participants must be citizens of or lawful permanent residents of the United States.
** All contestants must be bona fide students herein described as any student under the age of 20 years on the date of the national contest who is presently enrolled in a high school or junior high school (public, parochial, military, private or home school).
** The curriculum of the school must be considered to be of high school level, commencing with grade 9 and terminating with grade 12.
** Students must be enrolled in high school or junior high school during the time of participation at any level of The American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest.
** Contestants must either be legally domiciled within or attend an educational institution within the department that they enter competition.
** Contestants can enter competition through only one department.

The Prepared Oration:
The oration must be on some aspect of the Constitution, with emphasis on a citizen’s duties and obligations to our government. The same subject and oration used in the department contest must be used in the national contest.
Contestants may have a copy of their prepared oration while waiting in the first holding room. They may consult the copy until they exit to begin the contest. The copy will then be surrendered to the contest official monitoring the first holding room.
Quotations must always be indicated as such. Where quotations are more than 10 words in length, the author’s name must be given in the manuscript and cited orally.

The official in charge of the contest conducts a drawing to determine the order by which contestants will appear. The contest chairman introduces each contestant, then announces the title of the contestant’s prepared oration. The audience must refrain from applause until the judges make a decision.
A raised platform is not mandatory; however, it is strongly recommended. The use of notes, amplification, lectern or speaker’s stand or any manner of prompting is not permitted. Props are not permitted.
Contestants and audience members may not use any form of electronic/digital data gathering, receiving and/or transmitting equipment.

What to wear:
Uniforms are not permitted. Appropriate business attire is required for all contestants. Contestants may not wear awards and medals from previous competitions.

Travel expenses:
The American Legion pays travel and lodging expenses for department winners and their chaperones.
A chaperone over 21 years of age must accompany each contestant.
The American Legion does not assume liability for personal injury, property damage or loss sustained by any contestant or chaperone en route to or from the contest; however, The American Legion does carry a nominal group accident insurance policy on contestants accepted into the national competition.

Television & radio:
Live television and radio broadcasts are permitted in all contests, as well as filming, taping or other types of media for later showing, provided:
1. Lighting and other site conditions are the same for all contestants.
2. Filming or broadcasts in no way distract the contestants or interfere with the pre-announced scheduled time of the contest.
3. The normal speaking voice of the contestant is not interfered with or amplified within the auditorium.
4. The American Legion is in no way financially obligated without prior approval.

State & Local Oratorical Contest

Arrangements for contests leading up to the department finals shall be the responsibility of each American Legion department. For competition prior to the department finals, the contest rules and regulations are not mandatory; they are offered as guidelines. However, all department finals contests shall conform with national contest procedures, rules and regulations.
State & Local Oratorical Contest link :

Oratorical Contest Assigned Topics

** The assigned topic discourse must not consume less than three (3) minutes or more than five (5) minutes for delivery.
** The purpose of the assigned topic discourse is to test the speaker’s knowledge of the subject, the extent of his or her research, and the ability to discuss the topic as related to the basic principles of government under the Constitution.
** The assigned topic shall be drawn by the contest official in full view of the audience immediately before the last speaker begins delivery of his or her prepared oration and will be made known to the audience and each contestant approximately five (5) minutes prior to the time of delivery.
** The topic will be on some phase of the U.S. Constitution, selected from Articles and Sections as listed under assigned topics for the current year’s contest in this brochure.
** All contestants at each contest level are required to speak in the English language on the same assigned topic.

Assigned Topics for 2023 Oratorical Contest:
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Amendment XIV, Section 1
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Amendment XVI
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Oratorical Contest National Finals

** The 2023 National Finals will be April 21-23 in Indianapolis at the Wyndham Indianapolis West Hotel, 2544 Executive Drive, Indianapolis, IN, 46241, (317) 248-2481. Quarterfinal and semifinal contests are scheduled for Saturday, April 22 with the finals scheduled for Sunday, April 23.
** All contestants and chaperones will arrive the Friday of the contest weekend.
** All contestants and chaperones will stay at the official contest hotel.
** A mandatory pre-contest orientation session for all contestants will take place the Friday evening of the contest weekend.
** A banquet honoring all contestants will be Sunday afternoon, following the national championship contest.
** All contestants and chaperones will depart for home later that afternoon.

What are the important date for Oratorical Contest?

The important date for Oratorical Contest are 21st – 23rd April, 2023.

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