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America’s Funniest Home Videos Season XXXIII Contest 2022 – 23 :

Organisation : Cara Communications Corporation
Contest Name : America’s Funniest Home Videos (AFV) Season XXXIII Contest 2022 – 23
Applicable For : Residents of the 50 United States
Country : USA
Website :

What is AFV Season XXXIII Contest?

Cara Communications Corporation (d/b/a Vin Di Bona Productions) is the sponsor of the Season XXXIII contest (“Contest”) and the producer (“Producer”) of “America’s Funniest Home Videos” (the “Program” or “AFV”), a television series featuring home videos and seeking submissions by members of the public of their home videos showing funny and/or unique events for possible broadcast on the ABC Television Network owned by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (“Network” or “ABC”). The Contest is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia and Canada. The first place winners from each Contestant Show within each block will compete for a prize of $100,000.

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How to participate in the AFV Season XXXIII Contest?

To participate in the AFV Season XXXIII Contest, Follow the below step
Step 1: Go to the link
Step 2: Upload Your Video
Step 3: Give your video an LOL title
Step 4: Describe whats happening in your video
Step 5: Click on Take it away

Eligibility Criteria of AFV Season XXXIII Contest

The Eligibility Criteria of AFV Season XXXIII Contest are given below,
1. The Contest is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia and Canada.
2. Entrant must be 13 years of age or older as of the date of entry. Written parental consent will be required for persons under 18 (or who are not of the age of majority in their state of domicile) for their entries to be considered.

Procedures For Submission

The Procedures For Submission of AFV Season XXXIII Contest are given below,
** Persons wishing to enter may upload as many different home videos as they wish on either: (i) the AFV website at by following the instructions on the website; (ii) via the AFV mobile applications for Android and iOs (iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch) available for free download on Google Play or the iTunes App Store, respectively by following the instructions in the application; and/or (iii) via the AFV Official Facebook fan page by following instructions on the fan page. Submitting videos(s) on or via the aforementioned digital platforms and agreeing to the terms of service thereof transfers exclusive ownership in the submitted video(s) to Producer as of the date/time of acceptance of such terms of service and supersedes any prior agreements relating to ownership or otherwise entered in to by the submitter, owner, and/or persons appearing in the video with any other third party or entity.
** Videos will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. See section VIII for information on deadlines. Regardless of the means of submission of the video, submitter (and/or Entrant) hereby agrees to execute all additional paperwork and/or agreements as required by Producer to further memorialize and/or record the transfer of ownership and/or any other rights or permissions granted to Producer.
** At times Producer may invite themed submissions via “Assignment America” or similar types of solicitations, some of which may be through social media platforms (e.g., asking viewers to post videos with designated hashtags or otherwise on certain social media sites) (individually or collectively, “Themed Solicitations)”. All videos submitted, posted or otherwise made available to Producer in response to a Themed Solicitation shall nonetheless remain subject to all submission procedures and eligibility requirements contained herein in order to be eligible for the Contest, including, without limitation, the requirement that a video be submitted through in order to be eligible for the Contest.
** All submissions become the sole property of Producer and may be used in any manner, commercial or otherwise, including without limitation in the Program or any other Program, in any and all media and/or technologies now known or hereafter devised throughout the universe in perpetuityEntrants should keep a copy of their submissions.
** Videos shot for commercial distribution and/or commercial broadcast purposes are not eligible for any prizes.

Judging Criteria of AFV Season XXXIII Contest

The Judging Criteria of AFV Season XXXIII Contest are given below,
Videos will be judged by Producer on the basis of humor and/or uniqueness. Examples of videos that have been considered include those showing silly blunders at social occasions; unexpected foul-ups involving children; animal antics; slip-ups during sports or vacation activities; bloopers during plays, recitals, parades or speeches; practical jokes; natural phenomena; and life’s annoyances. From time to time, the Producer may request home videos on specific topics, such as for the show’s “Assignment America” requests. Such submissions will be included with the general submission pool for Contest purposes and will compete with the general submission pool for any prizes unless otherwise stated. All videos must conform to Network’s Broadcast Standards and Practices policies, based on Producer’s and Network’s judgment, as they determine in their sole discretion.

Producer will select videos for inclusion in each Contestant Show as follows:
** Each video will be assigned a unique number, and stored in a database along with submitter information.
** Producer’s representatives will conduct an initial review (the “Initial Review”) of all submissions and will (as determined by Producer in its sole discretion) advance those videos reflecting a sufficient level of humor and/or uniqueness to warrant further consideration. Any video which does not advance past Initial Review will be rejected for use as a contestant video at that time. Producer reserves the right to reevaluate any submission at any time, but has no obligation to do so.
** Producer will view videos that are advanced beyond Initial Review for possible consideration in a particular show.

$100,000 Shows

** The season’s Contestant Shows will be divided into 2 blocks as set forth above, at Producer’s sole discretion. The first place winners from each Contestant Show within each block will compete for a prize of $100,000.
** The criteria for selecting the prize winner of each block in the $100,000 Shows will be humor and/or uniqueness.
** Producer reserves the right to not award a $100,000 prize, or to reduce or substitute for the announced prize, and/or to modify the means by which a winner will be selected if the Program and/or any episodes are cancelled or cannot be completed prior to the completion of all Contestant Shows in a block or for any other reason outside of the control of Producer and/or Network (e.g., event of force majeure). Further, any reference in this paragraph or otherwise to a contestant (“Contestant”) competing in a prize show or other episode or contest shall be subject to Contestant not being in breach of any provision of this Agreement or any related agreement, or the rules and/or policies of the Contest, AFV or Network.
** The voting procedure for the $100,000 Shows will be as follows, unless otherwise specified:

Prizes of AFV Season XXXIII Contest

The Prizes of AFV Season XXXIII Contest are given below,
** Subject to the terms herein, cash prizes will be awarded to the Entrant(s) up to ninety (90) days after the initial broadcast in which their video appeared, provided that the Entrant(s) certify and establish to Producer’s satisfaction that they are the owner(s) of the video and further provided that they have complied with these Official Rules and have signed all necessary Releases and any other forms as determined by Producer.
** In the event that a winning video has more than one owner, Producer will divide and distribute any cash prize attributable to such video in the applicable Contestant Show and, if applicable, the $100,000 show, among the owners of such video (regardless of who submitted the video) so that each owner will receive an equal dollar amount. In all instances, potential prize winner(s) will be required to sign any forms required by Producer in order to receive a prize. Winners of any prize are solely responsible for all applicable foreign, federal, state and local taxes.
** If the anticipated complement of episodes for the 2022 – 2023 season series is not completed for any reason, including without limitation, as a result of program cancellation or labor dispute, Producer reserves the right to terminate, suspend and/or modify the competition, award the prizes by any other means Producer deems appropriate, and/or limit, reduce or not award the announced prizes. Thus, for example, if for any reason the anticipated complement of episodes of qualifying Contestant Shows has not been completed in any block of shows, Producer reserves the right in its sole discretion to not produce the $100,000 Show and not award the $100,000 prize for that block of Contestant Shows. In all instances, in order for the applicable prize to be awarded for a Contestant show, or a $100,000 Show, the episode underlying must be produced and telecast.
** A prize of one (1) AFV t-shirt shall be awarded to an Entrant if their video is broadcast for the first time on an AFV episode during the 2022 – 2023 season. Only one (1) t-shirt per video is allotted. If mailing address and/or contact information for the Entrant is no longer valid, Producer is not responsible for delivery of the t-shirt.

AFV Season XXXIII Contest Deadlines

The AFV Season XXXIII Contest Deadlines are given below,
** The deadline dates for the first Contest block and second Contest block of the 2022 – 2023 season are yet to be determined, but will be announced in an updated version of these rules in advance of the deadlines for submissions.
** Check these rules on frequently for updates.
** It is any submitter’s sole obligation to check the rules for updated submission dates, Producer assumes no liability for any submitter’s failure to do so.
** All videos must be received by Producer on or before the applicable deadline date to be eligible for inclusion in that block.
** Deadline dates are subject to change at Producer’s sole discretion.

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